Eternity of Being Lost

CityBeat Interview

On October 28, 2011, 7 P.M., with the financial support of the CONTENTS company, artist GB’s Live-Art Work 1#: “Eternity of Being Lost” was executed at the Shanghai Rockbund Art Museum. This was not just another quiet visual arts revolution, but perhaps a day which marks the birth of Laostism.

ETERNITY OF BEING LOST – Live-Art Works 1# by GB is an artwork that transcends all categorization. It is life, or perhaps the form of life—a 2-for-1 Live-Art work. Or perhaps it is “Pre-theatre” ?

The auction taking place alongside the artwork’s execution invites new interpretations about the act of art collecting. The collection of “sensory perceptions” as a work of art will transform the traditional importance placed on the material object. After an intense bidding process, the art work was sold for 170,000 RMB. Was this a first in the history of art collecting—to collect “sensory perceptions” as a work of art? Art collectors Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Qiong’er became witnesses to a Laostist’s “sensory perceptions.”


1, 2:  “L.H.O.O.Q”, a response to Marcel Duchemp
3, 4:  After developing, GB cleans his work
5, 6:  Auction on site,Mrs. Qiong’Er Jiang bought this Live-Art work 1# for 27000US$